Welcome to my blog.
A place to record and share my musings and my work.
'Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?'

Thursday, 23 July 2020

It's Been a Very Long Time

It has indeed been a very, very long time since I have shared anything.
Our lives have moved on and the world has changed! 
It is hard to express why I stopped blogging. It just seemed at the time 
that words failed me and I had nothing to say.
All that changed with the publishing of our new website this week. I've always wanted to put a blog on the site and now I can. Mind you, I'm finding this new Blogger format difficult to use, so I may regret my decision. I can't seem to access either the right or left sidebar for editing. If anyone out there can give me any tips, I would be grateful.
So, what's been happening with us over the last five years ......
We gave up our gallery in Pateley Bridge a while ago now but as you know artists never retire, they just fade away! 
In the pic above Ethel is wearing a vintage fairisle jumper which I have darned and rebuilt. One of my new big passions is the Visible Mending Movement. I've always been into recycling and reusing so this fits my ethos perfectly. I love the slow, meditative rhythmn of the stitching and putting new learned techniques into practice. Also I've got something new to wear on cold winter days, so it's a win, win!
Not going to write too much today, just 'dipping my toe in the water'. 
We are still Shielding from the dreaded virus until the end of this month and then we'll see. We lead a pretty isolated life so it's not been too bad. Waiting to see about a hip replacement and that's been a bit of a trial. Not keen to go into a hospital setting just yet, so trying to make the best of my limited mobility. Enjoying more studio time and for starting these posts up again.

This picture says it all!
Stay safe and happy stitching everyone.