Welcome to my blog.
A place to record and share my musings and my work.
'Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?'

Friday, 28 February 2014

Goosey Goosey Gander!

Like my blogger friend Ali, of Random Wooliness.
My post this week is about our feathered friends.
I have to say here and now, that my photos aren't a 
patch on hers but here goes.
Mr C and I, had a bit of an adventure last weekend,
looking after a flock of geese and some assorted
The setting was idyllic, with views out over Nidderdale

I did wonder what the geese would be like, as they have 
a bit of a reputation for being fierce. However they
proved to be very biddable, if a bit noisy,
 especially after Mr C. bribed them with
 some bread....  a favourite with them!

This is Rolley, the leader of the pack,who followed us about to 
make sure we didn't get up to anything we shouldn't.

A very handsome fellow!

I loved the chicken shed. Lots of eggs to be
found inside..... an added bonus!

and these are some of the hens.
Lovely ladies, all!
Sunday's are the day I set aside, for my own
textiles. This is my latest work in progress.
I love listening to Radio 4 and sewing.

The Spiral is my favourite shape. This picture
definately doesn't do it justice but gives a bit of a flavour of it.
The background, is hessian scrim. 
It can be pulled into lots of irregular shapes, which can be darned, 
embroidered or bound. I love using 'found' objects too.
The rest of the week was put aside for the 
fairisle sweater. It's coming on, as you can see.
Finished the back and am up to the armholes at the front.

Before I go, must show you the little gift,
Rolley's owners left for me.

A gorgeous pair of vintage crochet, cotton gloves.
Ethel insisted on, 'getting in on the act', by modelling them.
Have a great weekend, everyone.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Flowering Unseen!

My last two posts seem to have developed 
a poetic theme. Must be something to do with

'Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen',
Gray's Elegy

These images conjure up Spring for me
and ......
 in our little garden, what did I find this week.

peeping out from the foliage.

It gave me such a lift.
I smiled all day.
Not much craft work to show and tell
about this week.
I have been working very hard on the Fairisle sweater.
I'm onto the armholes, which proved difficult, to set the pattern.
I had one false start, as the pattern was not
lining up. Had to undo it but on the right track now.
It's very logical but I'm not!!
Last Sunday, I was very excited to be the highest bidder 
on Ebay, for a group of vintage, rag rug tools.
As the last few seconds ticked by, I found myself
dancing around my work room,
 in high excitement.
Not very decorous, you may say but fun! 

The first craft skill, I learned, after knitting, was
rag rugging. The scissor-like tool on the left
of the photo, is called a 'speed rugger'.
I have one all ready but it is made of wood and fragile.
I look forward to using this more robust looking tool.
I haven't made a rug for some time but I have one in my minds eye.
 My next project, when the commission is done.
This is one of my rugs


 I have a busy weekend, lined up
In the pop-up shop in Harrogate, for part of the day, today.
Only a week left, so if you're in the area.
Pop in! 
You're sure of a friendly welcome.
I'm also looking after a flock of Chinese Geese, for a friend.

Life's never dull.
Hope they're friendly.
I'll let you know.
Have a great weekend everyone x

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Can Spring Be Far Behind!

O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Ode to the West Wind
Percy Bysshe Shelley

The weather has been truly awful this week.
As one commentator put it on Radio 4, this morning.
'We have been suffering from,the relentless onslaught of the weather'.
In Yorkshire, we have run the gamut of all that winter can throw
at us, including ....
hurricane force, westerly winds; 
torrential rain;

an occasional sighting of the sun
and even a sprinkling of this!

However, we have escaped, the worst of it.
I feel so sorry for those people living in the South.
It's truly awful to watch their plight on the media.
It is heartening to see and hear that we, as a country,
have rallied together, in the true Dunkirk Spirit, to help
those in extremis. 'Fodder Aid' being a case , in point.
Not being able to get out much, I have spent most of
the week, working on the fairisle sweater.
Thought you might like to see, how it is progressing.

I have received some goodies, from friends and neighbours.

I was quite overwhelmed by their generosity.

Yesteday, Mr C outdid himself.

A visual feast, as well as a delicious one.
I'm a very lucky girl!
I'll leave you with my,
'Spirit of Spring'

It can't be far  away, can it?
Have a great weekend, everyone.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Hearts and 'Something Blue!'

At the beginning of the week, we entered the Chinese
'Year of the Horse'
The weather, in our corner of North Yorkshire, has been
very mixed.  Lots of rain, interspersed with patches of blue sky 
and sunshine. It has been so mild, that nature is being fooled into
thinking it's Spring.
Captured this photo of a woodpecker, visiting our bird table.
He is resplendent in his mating plumage.

Sorry, about the quality of the photo.
Took it from the kitchen window and
 I was scared if I moved too much, 
he would take flight.

I've been busy this week, crafting gifts.
This is my little offering for Mr C, for
Valentine's Day.

I was given the cardboard container, filled with
sweeties, by a lovely new friend, Agnes.
This gave me and idea!
I love repurposing things and giving them new life.
 I did some needlefelting on a heart, 
 cut out of white felt and glued it to the front.

Crocheted three little hearts, from a pattern
by Lucy from Attic 24 (teeny tiny hearts).
 Attached them to pink ribbon.

It only remained for me to fill, the little box.
 Chocolate, wrapped in tissue, like old fashioned sweets.
Finished it off with a pretty bow.
Hope he likes it!

My next gift was 'something blue'.
\\\\I had such fun, sewing a garter,
for a friend, who is getting married in May.
Traditional sewing is not my forte, so I consulted
You Tube, for a bit of, inspiration and assistance.
Found a great little tutorial and this is the result.

I was really delighted with it. 
Hope she will be too!

Well, that's it for this week, I think.

It only remains for Ethel and I to wish you all
a great weekend
Ma nian da ji!