Welcome to my blog.
A place to record and share my musings and my work.
'Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?'

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Flowering Unseen!

My last two posts seem to have developed 
a poetic theme. Must be something to do with

'Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen',
Gray's Elegy

These images conjure up Spring for me
and ......
 in our little garden, what did I find this week.

peeping out from the foliage.

It gave me such a lift.
I smiled all day.
Not much craft work to show and tell
about this week.
I have been working very hard on the Fairisle sweater.
I'm onto the armholes, which proved difficult, to set the pattern.
I had one false start, as the pattern was not
lining up. Had to undo it but on the right track now.
It's very logical but I'm not!!
Last Sunday, I was very excited to be the highest bidder 
on Ebay, for a group of vintage, rag rug tools.
As the last few seconds ticked by, I found myself
dancing around my work room,
 in high excitement.
Not very decorous, you may say but fun! 

The first craft skill, I learned, after knitting, was
rag rugging. The scissor-like tool on the left
of the photo, is called a 'speed rugger'.
I have one all ready but it is made of wood and fragile.
I look forward to using this more robust looking tool.
I haven't made a rug for some time but I have one in my minds eye.
 My next project, when the commission is done.
This is one of my rugs


 I have a busy weekend, lined up
In the pop-up shop in Harrogate, for part of the day, today.
Only a week left, so if you're in the area.
Pop in! 
You're sure of a friendly welcome.
I'm also looking after a flock of Chinese Geese, for a friend.

Life's never dull.
Hope they're friendly.
I'll let you know.
Have a great weekend everyone x

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