Welcome to my blog.
A place to record and share my musings and my work.
'Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?'

Friday, 15 August 2014

Short Intermission!

There will be a short intermission, after this post.
The preparations for our exhibition are gathering pace
and I will not have the time or the energy for writing my blog.
Thought I would share with you, a few of the pieces, that
I will be exhibiting.

Beith (this is Ogham for birch)
It's mounted on a piece of Silver Birch bark.

Tree of Life
Silk rods and free machine embroidery.


Scottish Isle (felted landscape)
*  *   *   *
Before I go .....
Daisy, is on the dog house.
Look what she did!!

Chewed up the only knitting project, that was actually for me.
I'm still speechless!
Till we meet again, on the other side.
Have a good weekend everyone!

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